科見Online線上學習 兒童英語-閒聊Larry的新公寓
(Monica's here to help Larry pack his things. They're chatting about Larry's new apartment.)
Monica: Have you contacted the moving company yet? It's only a week before you move.
Larry: Of course I have. They promise to arrive here before 10 on that morning. And they believe the moving will be completed in three hours for I don’t have furniture to move.
Monica: That's great! Since the whole thing won't take a day, you can unpack your luggage after a short break.
Larry: You're right. I plan to order pizza delivery for dinner that night. I don't think I'll be in the mood to cook.
Monica: True. Moving is a tiring thing. You'll surely be too tired to cook.
Larry: Although it's exhausting to move, I'm still excited about living in an apartment with central air-conditioning.
Monica: 你聯絡搬家公司了沒?離你搬家僅剩一個星期了。
Lary: 當然聯絡了。他們答應在當天早上10點前到這。而且他們相信會在三小時內搬完,因為我沒有家具要搬。
Monica: 很棒呢!既然不會花一整天搬家,你可以在短暫休息後再整理行李。
Larry: 你說得沒錯。我計畫那晚叫披薩當晚餐。我不覺得我會有心情自己煮。
Monica: 對啊。搬家很累人的。你一定會累到沒辦法煮。 Larry: 雖然搬家讓人精疲力竭,但我仍對搬到有中央空調的公寓感到很興奮。
Larry: 雖然搬家讓人精疲力竭,但我仍對搬到有中央空調的公寓感到很興奮。
1. unpack (v.) 從(箱子、包包)中取出、打開行李箱
Eric spent a whole day unpacking his luggage at the hotel.
2. order…delivery (for dinner) (phr.) 點…外賣(當晚餐)
Steven ordered some fast food delivery for dinner last night because he was too lazy to cook.
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